Showing posts with label CLASS - VIII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLASS - VIII. Show all posts


CHAPTER - Advanced Sequencing

Objective Type Questions

Question 1 Step by step process of solving a problem is called?

Option 1 Algorithm

Option 2 Sequencing

Option 3 Loops

Option 4 None of the above

Answer: Option 1



Question 1 A series of actions done in a specific order is called sequencing

Option 1 True

Option 2 False

Answer: Option 1


Standard Questions

1. Write a program in block code to print all the prime numbers between 0 and 50.


Int a,b,ans=0

for a = 0 to 50 step a++

                                For b= 2 to a-1 step b++



                                End if

                                End for

End for


Print a “is prime number”



2. Write a program in block code to print all the multiples of 7 from 0 to 100


For a = 0 to 100 step a++


Print a

end if

End for



FOR A = 1 TO 100 STEP A++





Objective Type

 Questions Question 1 Which statement from below best describes Arrays? 
        Option 1 A data structure that shows a hierarchical behavior 
        Option 2 Container of objects of similar data types 
        Option 3 Array is not a data structure 

Answer: Option 2 

Question 2 Which of the following are advantages of arrays? 
        Option 1 Easier to store elements of similar data type 
        Option 2 Elements stored in an array cannot be sorted 

Answer: Option 1 

Question 3 Which of the following are disadvantages of arrays? 
        Option 1 There are chances of wastage of memory space if elements inserted in an array are lesser than the allocated size 
        Option 2 Index value of an array can be negative 
        Option 3 Elements are sequentially accessed 

 Answer: Option 1 

Standard Questions 

1. What are arrays in programming? 
Answer: Arrays are collection of similar data type variables. Arrays do not support different data types in same collection. For example, you can make an Array of Integers as well as another Array of Strings.

2. Explain how arrays are indexed in programming. 
Answer: An Array with variables of Integer Data Type stored in it. Below is the diagram that displays how data and indexes are structured in such an Array:

3. Explain how you can sort an array {67, 23, 98, 19} using Coding? 
Answer: Python has inbuilt sort function to order an array. The sort() method sorts the list ascending by default.
numbers = [  67, 23, 98, 19]

4. How do you search a particular value from an array in Coding?
Answer: Python uses indexing as a method to search for an element in an array.
x= [2,7,6,4,9,5,11]




Standard Questions 

1. What are functions in programming? 
ANSWER: A function is a block of code made up of a set of steps that results in a single specific action. The programmer will give this action a simple name. Giving a simple name to a function, increases the chances that the set of steps can easily talked about and reused again and again in the program.

2. What are the benefits of using functions? 
ANSWER: Increases readability makes code organized and easy to understand. 
                    Reduces code length: redundant code is removed and replaced by functions. 
                    Reusability: Code reusability increases.

3. Is it possible to return a value from function? 
ANSWER: Yes it is possible to return a value from function.

4. What are function parameters?
ANSWER: Function parameters are variables which are taken as inputs to the function to do a task when the function is called. An argument is the value passed to a function which is received by the function as parameter.


Class - VIII
Chapter - 4 (Conditionals in Details)

Objective Type Questions 

Question 1 Which one of the following options is not a logical operator? 

Option 1 OR 
Option 2 WHAT 
Option 3 AND 
Option 4 NOT 

Answer: Option 2 

Question 2 Which of the following can create conditional statements?

 Option 1 IF 
Option 2 IF-ELSE 
Option 3 Nested IF-ELSE 
Option 4 All the above 

Answer: Option 4 

Question 3 Which operator negates a condition? 

Option 1 OR 
Option 2 NOT 
Option 3 AND 
Option 4 None of the above 

Answer: Option 2

Standard Questions 

1. What are different types of control structures? Define each type. 
Answer: There are three basic types of control structures in programming:
  • Sequential 
    • In a sequential control structure, the statements in a program are executed sequentially, i.e., step-by-step in an order that they are written.
  • Selection / Conditional
    • A selection (conditional) control structure is used to test a condition in a program. This control structure takes a decision to execute one statement/operation over another statement/operation depending on the condition.
  • Iteration
    • This control structure executes a set of statements for a certain number of times till the mentioned condition is true. Loops are examples of iterative statements.
2. What are the different types of relational operators? 

3. What are logical operators? Name different types of logical operators.

4. What are the differences between “AND” and “OR” operators? Give examples. 

5. What is a nested conditional statement and where is it used?


Class - VIII

Objective Type Questions 

Question 1 Which type of loop can be used till a condition is met? 

Option 1 While loop 

Option 2 For loop 

Answer: Option 1 

Question 2 Which type of loop can be used to iterate over a sequence? 

Option 1 While loop 

Option 2 For loop 

Answer: Option 2 

Question 3 Which statement is used to break the loop? 

Option 1 Stop 

Option 2 Break 

Option 3 Exit 

 Answer: Option 2 

Standard Questions 

1. What are the different types of loops? 
    • While Loop
    • For Loop
    • Nested Loop

2. What is exit criteria?
  • Exit criteria is defined as a condition that must be met before completing a specific task.
  • It is a set of conditions that must exist before you can declare a program to be complete.
  • Exit criteria is one of the most important components while defining a loop.
  • As without an exit criterion, the program tends to enter in an infinite loop.
  • These criteria differ from program to program as per the requirement.

3. What is exit criteria for While loop? 
  • Exit criteria is defined as a condition that must be met before completing a specific task.
  • It is a set of conditions that must exist before you can declare a program to be complete.
4. What is exit criteria for For loop? 
  • As without an exit criterion, the program tends to enter in an infinite loop.
  • These criteria differ from program to program as per the requirement.

5. What are nested loops? 
  • Nested loop is a loop that occurs in another loop.
  • When we nest one loop within another, the outer loop takes control of the total number of complete repetition of the inner loop.

CLASS - VIII | CHAPTER -3 ( Forms, Queries and Reports ) [Worksheet]

Chapter - 3

Forms, Queries and Reports


Worksheet 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs.) Tick the correct answer.

1.    We can generate Reports and Queries from:

        a.    Tables

        b.    Form

         c.    Auto Format data

        d.    Cells

2.    Which Tab do you need to click to create the Form?

        a.    Home

        b.    Create

        c.    External data

        d.    Database Tools

3.    Where are the previous, first, next and last record buttons located?

        a.    Title bar

        b.    Menu bar

        c.    Navigation bar

        d.    Show table Window

4.    What are the screens used for displaying data and entering/updating data in tables known as?

        a.    Tables

        b.    Forms

        c.    Reports

        d.    Queries

5.    What is a small graphical representation of an organization or theme?

        a.    Logo

        b.    Form

        c.    Design

        d.    Button

6.       Which button allows us to select an attractive layout from many readymade available layouts?

        a.    Design

        b.    Navigation

        c.    Auto Format

        d.    Form button


Worksheet 2 Write True and False against the statements.

1.    You set the criteria for a Query so that only those records which meet the criteria are displayed. TRUE

2.    If you want to add all the fields of the table in your Query, double click on the Asterisks(*) displayed with the table fields in the query grid.  TRUE

3.    you can specify a criteria for a report.  TRUE

4.    The Themes button contains various types of styles and layout which can be applied to the Report which has been generated, it cannot be customized.  TRUE

5.    Once a Report has been generated, it cannot be customized.  FALSE

Worksheet 3 Select the suitable words and fill in the blanks

Create        Form        Navigation bar        Criteria     Report         Query

1.    Using a Form data can be entered more conveniently and in a user-friendly manner.

2.    Below the Form, you will see the Navigation bar to go to previous, next, first or last record.

3    When you run the Query, only those records, which match the Criteria mentioned, will be displayed.

4.    To generate a basic Report, click on the Create tab and click on the Report button.

5.    To generate a Query, click on the Create tab and click on the Query button.

Worksheet 4 Answer in one Words/Sentence.

   1.    What helps us to retrieve the required information in a quick and formatted manner?

Answer: Simple Query

    2.    From where can we generate Reports and queries?

Answer: Create tab

    3.    Which Tab and option will you use to create a form in Microsoft Access?

Answer:     Create tab -> form button

    4.    What is the use of navigation bar?

Answer: To go to previous, next and last record.

    5.    What helps us to quickly view the selective data?

Answer: Query

    6.    What is Criteria for a Query?

Answer:     you can add fields to display and criteria for the query in the grid.

    7.    What is the use of Themes option in creating reports?

Answer: It allows us to select an attractive layout from many readymade available layouts.


CLASS - VIII | CHAPTER -3 ( Forms, Queries and Reports )

Class - VIII

Chapter - 3

Forms, Queries and Reports

Entering, Updating and Extracting Information

You must have already understood that the purpose of storing data in a database is to produce it in the form of information. reports and queries can be generated from the input data. In this section, you will learn how to enter data using Forms, generate Reports and Queries, in a practical and step-by-step manner.

Creating a Form

It is not very convenient to enter data directly in field in a spreadsheet format. You can create Forms so that data can be entered conveniently in a formatted manner.

To Create a Form to enter data

1.    Select a Table from the navigation pane for which you want to create a Form.

2.    Click on the Create tab.

3.    Click on the Form button.

4.    You will see an entry Form opened in front of you.

Creating a Simple Query

After you store data in Tables, you can quickly view the selective data with the help of Queries.

Selecting the Table for the Query

First you are required to select the Table from which you want to generate the Query.

To create a Query from a Table

1.    Click on the Create tab.

2.     Click on the Query Design button.

3.     The show Table dialog box opens. select the Table from which you want to extract the information. click on the Close button when done.

Adding the Criteria to the Query

You can add a certain criteria so that only those records, which meet the specified criteria, are displayed.

* Place the cursor in the field for which you want to set the criteria and type the condition for which you want to obtain the results.

Saving the Query

Now, save the query so that it can be executed later.

1.    Click on the Close button of the Query window. you will be prompted to save your Query with a name in save As box.

2.    Enter a name for the Query.

3.    click on the OK button.

Creating Reports

Reports are method of presenting and printing information in a formatted and organized manner, using the table or the Query as its source.

To create a basic report

1.    Select the table/query from which you want to create a report.

2.    Click on Create tab and Report button.

Changing the main Report

1.    Select the Report heading by clicking on it.

2.    Change the text as required.

Changing the Field Heading

1.    Click on the report heading to select it.

2.    Type a new name for it.

Apply the Themes

Auto Format button allows you to select an attractive layout many readymade available layouts.

1.    Click on the Themes button.

2.    The style gallery opens displaying the various types of ready to apply themes to your Report. Click on the style which you want to apply.

Inserting the Logo

AutoFormat button allows you to select an attractive layout from many readymade available layouts.

1.    Click on the Design tab.

2.    Click on the Logo button.

3.    The Insert Picture Dialog box opens. select the picture file and clcik on the OK button.

Saving the Report

1.    Click on the Close button of the Report window. you will be prompted to save your report with a name in Save As box.

2.    Enter a name for the report and click on the OK button.


Worksheet 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs.) Tick the correct answer.

1.    We can generate Reports and Queries from:

        a.    Tables

        b.    Form

         c.    Auto Format data

        d.    Cells

2.    Which Tab do you need to click to create the Form?

        a.    Home

        b.    Create

        c.    External data

        d.    Database Tools

3.    Where are the previous, first, next and last record buttons located?

        a.    Title bar

        b.    Menu bar

        c.    Navigation bar

        d.    Show table Window

4.    What are the screens used for displaying data and entering/updating data in tables known as?

        a.    Tables

        b.    Forms

        c.    Reports

        d.    Queries

5.    What is a small graphical representation of an organization or theme?

        a.    Logo

        b.    Form

        c.    Design'

        d.    Button'

6.       Which button allows us to select an attractive layout from many readymade available layouts?

        a.    Design

        b.    Navigation

        c.    Auto Format

        d.    Form button


Worksheet 2 Write True and False against the statements.

1.    You set the criteria for a Query so that only those records which meet the criteria are displayed.

2.    If you want to add all the fields of the table in your Query, double click on the Asterisks(*) displayed with the table fields in the query grid.

3.    you can specify a criteria for a report.

4.    The Themes button contains various types of styles and layout which can be applied to the Report which has been generated, it cannot be customized.

5.    Once a Report has been generated, it cannot be customized.

Worksheet 3 Select the suitable words and fill in the blanks

Create        Form        Navigation bar        Criteria     Report         Query

1.    Using a ___________data can be entered more conveniently and in a user-friendly manner.

2.    Below the Form, you will see the __________ to go to previous, next, first or last record.

3    When you run the Query, only those records, which match the ___________mentioned, will be displayed.

4.    To generate a basic Report, click on the ___________tab and click on the __________ button.

5.    To generate a Query, click on the Create tab and click on the _______________ button.

Worksheet 4 Answer in one Words/Sentence.

   1.    What helps us to retrieve the required information in a quick and formatted manner?

    2.    From where can we generate Reports and queries?

    3.    Which Tab and option will you use to create a form in Microsoft Access?

    4.    What is the use of navigation bar?

    5.    What helps us to quickly view the selective data?

    6.    What is Criteria for a Query?

    7.    What is the use of Themes option in creating reports?


CLASS - VIII | CHAPTER -2 ( Microsoft Office Access )

 Information Technology

Class - VIII

Chapter - 2


Worksheet 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 

1. In MS ACCESS, which data type stores a unique sequential increment by 1 which is

automatically inserted when a record is added, or decrements by 1 when a record is


a. Number

b. Memo

C. Auto Number

D. Yes / NO

2. In MS Access, which technology Data type is used to store rates, prices etc?

a. Text

b. Currency

b. Memo

d. Number

3. Reports are:

a. Formatted output to display / print batches of records

b. Screens displaying data and entering / updating data in the tables

c. Having data storage capability

d. Used to display the records that match a certain, sort the data etc. 

4. What are the screens used for displaying data and entering / updating data in tables

known as?

a. Tables 

b. Forms

c. Reports 

d. Queries

5. Microsoft office Access 2010 from Microsoft Office Suite is a type of:

a. Relation Database 

b. Network Database

c. Hierarchical DBMS 

d. Word Processor

Worksheet 2 Write (T) for True and (F) for False against the statements. 

1. While creating a Table in the Design view, the validation rule lets you create an

expression, which is tested against the data entered. TRUE

2. In the Design view, you can easily define the field names enter data in those in a spreadsheet like view. TRUE

3. Tables can be created in the Datasheet view and the Design view. TRUE

4. Table are building blocks of a database. TRUE

5. Relation database consists of fields, records, and tables. TRUE

Worksheet 3 Select the suitable words and fill in the blanks.

 Database,     Primary Key,     Report,     Table,     SORT,     Query

1. The Primary Key key is used to define the data in a Field uniquely (there should be no duplicate value). 

2. In the Database view, you can create Tables and specify the field types and the field lengths according to your requirement. 

3. A Report is the formatted output to display / print batches of records. 

4. With a Query you display the records that match certain criteria. 

5. Table are building blocks of a database. 

6. A SORT is an organized way of storing data and record keeping in computer. 

Worksheet 4 Answer the following:

1. What is DBMS? Write any two advantages of Database. 

Answer: A database or an electronic database refers to an organized collection of data stored on a computer in such a way that its contents can be quickly accessed, updated and queried with the help of a software program.

 Advantages of Database

1. Reduces Data Redundancy

2. Data Sharing and Protection

2. What is RDBMS?

Answer: A Relation Database is a type of database where data is stored in a number of separated but related tables. 

3. Write about any three data type.

Answer: Text, Memo and Number

4. What is the importance of the primary key?

Answer: The primary key is used to define the Data in Field uniquely (there should be no duplicate value). it helps to make searching faster. 

5. What is the object of MS Access?

Answer: Table, Queries, forms and Reports.

CLASS - VIII | CHAPTER -2 ( Microsoft Office Access )


Microsoft Office Access

Understanding a Database

A database or an electronic database refers to an organized collection of data stored on a computer in such a way that its contents can be quickly accessed, updated and queried with the help of a software program.

About Database management System (DBMS)

A (DBMS) is a computer program which provides facilities to add, modify or delete data from the database, ask question (or queries) about the data stored in the database andproduce reports summarizing selected contents.

Relation Database management System (RDBMS)

A Relation Database is a type of database where data is stored in a number of separated but related tables. The software that allows you to create and manage a relational database is called a Relation Database Management System (RDBMS).

Advantages of Database

1. Reduces Data Redundancy

2. Improves Data Consistency

3. Data Sharing and Protection

4. Maintains Data Integrity

5. Organized Storage of Data

Microsoft office Access 2010

Microsoft Office Access 2010 is a Relation Database Management System (RDBMS) from

Microsoft and is provided as a part of Microsoft Office Suite.

Objects of Ms Access

TableAll data is stored in tables. When you create a new table, Access asks you to define filed (Column headings), giving each a unique name, defining the data type.
QueriesWith a query, you can display the records that match certain criteria, sort the data required , and even combine data from different tables.
FormsThese are screens for displaying data and entering / updating data in the tables.
ReportsThese are formatted output to display / Print batches or records.

Opening Microsoft office Access 2010
1. Click on the start button.
2. Click on the All programs option.
3. Click on the Microsoft Office.
4. Click on the Microsoft Office Access 2010 option.

Creating a New Database
1. Click on the Blank Database icon in the “Microsoft Access” dialog box.
2. Open the menu and select save Database option.
3. The Save As dialog box opens. Given it a name and click the Save button.

Various Data Types and their Uses

To Create a Table in DataSheet View
1. Click on the Create tab and click on the table button.
2. The empty table structure layout will open in the datasheet view. First we will
specify the data type and rename the fields.
3. Click on the ‘click to add’ and select the data type. Specify the name for the
field. Press the tab key to go next field
4. To enter data click below the field name and enter the data.

Saving the Table- To save the Table structure which you have just created, click on the Close button of the table window. In the Save As dialog box enter a name for the Table and click on the Ok button.

Opening/Entering of Data in the Table

1 Double click on the Table name in the Navigation pane.

2 The table will open in the datasheet view.

Now you can enter / modify the data.

Inserting New Fields

1. Right click on the field name before which you want to insert the field.

2. Click on the Insert column.

The new column(filed) will be inserted. You can rename the field as required.

Deleting Fields

1. Right click on the field name before which you want to insert the field.

2. Click on the Delete column.

The column (field) will be deleted.

To Create a Table in Design View

1. Click on the Create tab.

2. Click on the Table button

3. Click on the Arrowhead of the view button. Select the Design view option.

4. The save As dialog box opens. Give a name to the Table and click on the OK button.

5. You will see one field with the field name “ID” automatically inserted with the Auto Number Type.

6. You can click in the cell below the ID field and type the name of the new field name. Type the Field  name and press the Enter key.

7. The cursor will shift on the Data Type column. Select the data type for the field. Add the description if required.

Primary key for the Table- The primary key is used to define the Data in Field uniquely

(there should be no duplicate value). it helps to make searching faster.



Worksheet 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

1. In MS ACCESS, which data type stores a unique sequential increment by 1 which is automatically inserted when a record is added, or decrements by 1 when a record is deleted?
a. Number                   b. Memo
C. Auto Number         d. Yes / NO

2. In MS Access, which technology Data type is used to store rates, prices etc?
a. Text                         b. Currency
b. Memo                     d. Number

3. Reports are:
a. Formatted output to display / print batches of records
b. Screens displaying data and entering / updating data in the tables
c. Having data storage capability Used to display the records that match a
certain, sort the data etc.

4. What are the screens used for displaying data and entering / updating data in tables
known as?
a. Tables                   b. Forms
b. Reports                 d. Queries

5. Microsoft office Access 2010 from Microsoft Office Suite is a type of:
a. Relation Database         b. Network Database
b. Hierarchical DBMS      d. Word Processor

Worksheet 2 Write (T) for True and (F) for False against the statements.

1. While creating a Table in the Design view, the validation rule lets you create an
expression, which is tested against the data entered.

2. In the Design view, you can easily define the field names enter data in those in
a spreadsheet like view.

3. Tables can be created in the Datasheet view and the Design view.

4. Table are building blocks of a database.

5. Relation database consists of fields, records, and tables.

Worksheet 3 Select the suitable words and fill in the blanks.

Database,     Primary Key,     Report,     Table,     Design,     Query

1. The ____________key is used to define the data in a Field uniquely (there should be no duplicate value).

2. In the _________________view, you can create Tables and specify the field types and the field lengths according to your requirement.

3. A _________________________ is the formatted output to display / print batches of records.

4. With a __________________________you display the records that match certain criteria.

5. _____________________ are building blocks of a database.

6. A _______________________is an organized way of storing data and record keeping in computer.

Worksheet 4 Answer the following:

1. What is DBMS? Write any two advantages of Database.

2. What is RDBMS?

3. Write about any three data type.

4. What is the importance of the primary key?

5. What is the object of MS Access?


CHAPTER -1 [ Networking Basics ]Click here Click Here
CHAPTER -2 [ Microsoft Office Access ]Click here Click Here
CHAPTER -3 [Forms, Queries and Reports ]Click here Click Here
CHAPTER -6 [ FUNCTIONS IN DEPTH ]Click here Click Here
CHAPTER -8 [ Advanced Sequencing ]Click here Click Here

CLASS - VIII ( Chapter - 1 [ Networking Basics]) Solved Worksheet

Information Technology

Class - VIII

Chapter - 1


Worksheet 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

1.GPRS stands for :

a. Global Packet Radio Service b. Generation packet radio Service

c. General Packet of Radio Service d. General purpose radio Service

2. What is the range of coverage of WiMax ?

a. 30 meters b. 50 meters

C. 100 meter d. 50 Kms

3. The GPS receiving equipment is typically known as:

A. GPS receiver b. Hot Spot

C. Hub d. satellite

4. What is a Hot-Spot?

a. A type of satellite used in GPS b. GPS Receiver

c. A zone that has high speed wireless internet access d. WiFi Device

5. What is a computer in a Lan called?

a. Workstation b. Server

C. Node d. device

Worksheet 2 Write (T) for True and (F) for False against the statements.

1. Bluetooth, by its nature, is not designed for heavy transmission and thus would not be a suitable technology for repalceing LAN and WAN. FALSE

2. Wifi stand for Wireless Frigidty. TRUE

3. A Hot-Sopt is the name of a type of tea. FALSE

4. WiFI and WiMax are used for high-speed wireless access technology. TRUE

5. WiFi has a range more than WiMax. FALSE

6. A Wide Area Network (WAN) is the same as the internet. TRUE

7. Each computer in a LAN is Called a node. TRUE

8.All computer connected in a LAN have an Ethernet card. TRUE

Worksheet 3 Answer in a sentence.

1.What is ‘bluetooth’?

Answer: Bluetooth technology uses short-range radio links to connect and replace the necessity of cables.

2.What is Infrared technology?

Answer: In infrared communication for transmission and reception of signals, devices must lie close to each other (usually called a line-of-sight distance) to be able to work

3. Which technology helps to set up wireless MANs?

ANSWER: Wi-Fi Technology helps to set up wireless MANs.

4.Write the full form of GPS and GPRS.

ANSWER: GPS - Global Positioning System

GPRS - General packet Radiio Service

5. Write the Full forms of WiFi and WiMax.

ANSWER: WIFI - Wireless Fidelity

WiMAX- Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

Worksheet 4 Answer the following.

6.What is the difference between Bluetooth and WiFi?

ANSWER: Bluetooth technology uses short-range radio links to connect and replace the necessity of cables.

Wifi, stands is the term for a high-speed wirless access technology. It uses long range radio waves, hence the distance covered is more.

7. What is the difference between WiFi and WiMax technology?

ANSWER: Wif, is the term for a high-speed wirless access technology. It uses long range radio waves, hence the distance covered is more.

WiMAX operates on the same general principal as WiFi but will cover a radius of approximately 50kms with wireless access

8.What is Cloud Computing?

ANSWER: Cloud Computing is Internet computing, where “Cloud” is the term used for the Internet. It is an Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information areprovided to computers and other devices on demand.

9.What are LANs, MANs and WANs?

ANSWER: A Local Area Network (LAN) is a  computer network  that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.

A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a  computer network  that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic region of the size of a  metropolitan area .

A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a  telecommunications network  that extends over a large geographical area for the primary purpose of  computer networking .

10.What is a modem?

ANSWER: A modem stand for "modulator-demodulator" – is a  hardware  device that converts data into a format suitable for a  transmission medium  so that it can be transmitted from one computer to another.

CLASS - VIII ( Chapter - 1 [ Networking Basics])


Networking Basics

Computer network

A computer network is a group of computers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the purpose of sharing resources located on or provided by the network nodes. The interconnections between nodes are formed from a broad spectrum of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that may be arranged in a variety of network topologies.

A computer network is an inter-connection of two or more computer is such a way they can communicate with each other and share data and hardware resource.

Need and Importance of a Network

Here are some of the advantages offered by the networking of computers.

1.   Data Transfer: A networked allows easier, faster and reliable transfer of data file (like Document,   image, video and audio etc) from one computer to the other computer. Some special communication software ( Like google Talk and Share All etc) help in faster and reliable exchange of messages between network users at zero cost.

2.     Hardware & Software Sharing: The hardware devices (like Hard disk, CD drive, Scanner, Printer and USB Device etc) attached to one computer in a network can be shared by all other computers in that network. A network also allows sharing of software.

3.   Money Saver:  A network allows sharing of hardware and software, it saves an amount that would otherwise be spent on buying separate hardware and software for each computer.

4.   Remote Computer: The Network allows access to information stored on remote computers. This enable us to do  number of things like booking airline, Railway, Bus, Movie and event ticket booking,  hotel booking, payment of utility bills etc sitting on the computer in our home.

5.     Security:  Password protection on important file and program so only authorized users accessed the file and program.



Type of Network

Based on the geographical area they cover, network can be classified into three main types-

·       Local Area Network (LANs)

·       Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)

·       Wide Area Network (WANs)


Ø  Local Area Network:

  A Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.


Ø  Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs):

A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a computer network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic region of the size of a metropolitan area. The term MAN is applied to the interconnection of local area networks (LANs) in a city into a single larger network which may then also offer efficient connection to a wide area network. The term is also used to describe the interconnection of several local area networks in a metropolitan area through the use of point-to-point connections between them .


Ø  Wide Area Network (WANs):

A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a telecommunications network that extends over a large geographical area for the primary purpose of computer networking. Wide area networks are often established with leased telecommunication circuits.

Some Common Network Devices

·       Local Area network Card (LAN Card)

·       Hub and Switch

·       Router

·       Modem


Local Area network Card (LAN Card)

A Local Area Network Card allows a computer to connect to a network through a wired or wireless medium. Each computer in a network must have a card inside it. In fact, any device that is to be connected to a network like printer, scanner and so on must have a LAN card inside it.

Hub and Switch

Hub and Switch are ‘boxes’ to which computers, printer and other network device connected.  Their function is to direct information around the network, facilitating communication between all the connected devices. A switch is often termed as smart hub. Hubs are outdated and are seldom used for new installations.



A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets.


A modem stand for "modulator-demodulator" – is a hardware device that converts data into a format suitable for a transmission medium so that it can be transmitted from one computer to another. A modem modulates one or more carrier wave signals to encode digital information for transmission and demodulates signals to decode the transmitted information.

Wireless Technologies

Very Soon you will be working in a wireless environment, where you will see the appliances lying but not a single wire. In fact, these are invisibly inter-linked using wireless technology and can interect with each other to share data and other control signals.

Let us learn about the popular wireless technologies, which are becoming popular day by day.









Infrared Communication

In infrared communication for transmission and reception of signals, devices must lie close to each other (usually called a line-of-sight distance) to be able to work.


Bluetooth technology uses short-range radio links to connect and replace the necessity of cables.


Wifi, stands for Wireless Fidelity, is the term for a high-speed wirless access technology. It uses long range radio waves, hence the distance covered is more.


WiMAX operates on the same general principal as WiFi but will cover a radius of approximately 50 kms with wireless access.


The General packet Radiio Service (GPRS) is a new non-voice service that allows Mobile Phone to connect to the Internet for sending and receiving data.


The Global Positioning System(GPS) is based on satellites which allows a user with a receiver to detemine the precise coordinatetes for his location on the earth’s surface.


3G network enable network opoerators to offer users a wider range of more advanced service like wide-area wireless voice telephony, video calls and brodband wireless data, all in a mobile environment.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is Internet computing, where “Cloud” is the term used for the Internet. It is an Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information areprovided to computers and other devices on demand.


HOT-SPOTs are generally available at convenient public location such as airports, hotels or resturants. Using either a laptop or a handheld PDA that is WiFi enabled, you can access the Internet at a very High speed.




Worksheet 1  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

1.     GPRS stands for :

a.      Global Packet Radio Service                      b.  Generation packet radio Service

c.      General Packet of Radio Service               d. General purpose radio Service

2.     What is the range of coverage of WiMax ?

a.      30 meters                                                             b. 50 meters

c.      100 meter                                                            d. 50 Kms

3.     TheGPS receiving equipment is typically known as:

a.      GPS receiver                                                       b. Hot Spot

c.      Hub                                                                         d. satellite

4.     What is a Hot-Spot?

a.      A type of satellite used in GPS                                                         b. GPS Receiver

c.      A zone that has high speed wireless internet access          d. WiFi Device

5.     What is a computer in a Lan called?

a.      Workstation                                                       b. Server

c.      Node                                                                       d. device

Worksheet 2    Write (T) for True and (F) for False against the statements.

1.     Bluetooth, by its nature, is not designed for heavy transmission and thus would not be a suitable technology for repalceing LAN and WAN.

2.     Wifi stand for Wireless Frigidty.

3.     A Hot-Sopt is the name of a type of tea.

4.     WiFI and WiMax are used for high-speed  wireless access technology.

5.     WiFi has a range more than WiMax.

6.     A Wide Area Network (WAN) is the same as the internet.

7.     Each computer in a LAN is Called a node.

8.     All computer connected in a LAN  have an Ethernet card.

Worksheet 3   Answer in a sentence.

1.      What is ‘bluetooth’?

2.      What is Infrared technology?

3.      Which technology helps to set up wireless MANs?

4.      Write the full form of GPS and GPRS.

5.      Write the Full forms of WiFi and WiMax.

Worksheet 4   Answer the following.

1.      What is the difference between Bluetooth and WiFi?

2.      What is the difference between WiFi and WiMax technology?

3.      What is Cloud Computing?

4.      What are LANs, MANs and WANs?

5.      What is a modem?