CLASS - VII | CHAPTER -7 ( Understanding Arrays and Collections ) SOLVED WORKSHEET

CHAPTER - 7 ( Understanding Arrays and Collections )

Objective Type Questions

Question 1 What is the starting index of an array?
Option 1 -1

Option 2- 1

Option 3- 2

Option 4- 0

Answer: Option 4


Question 2 Which one is an incorrect array?

Option 1 Arr[] = [‘a’ , ‘b’ ,’c’ ,’d’]

Option 2 Arr[] = [1 , 2 ,3 ,4]

Option 3 Arr[] = [1, ‘a’, ‘b’, 2]

Option 4 Arr[] = [2.0 , 9.4, 5.6 , 6.7]

Answer: Option 3


Question 3 An array is

Option 1 A group of elements of same data type

Option 2 A type of collection that contains more than one element

Option 3 A type of collection in which elements are stored in memory in continuous or contiguous locations

Option 4 All of the above
Answer: Option 4


Question 4 Select a correct statement about Arrays

Option 1 An array address is the address of first element of array itself

Option 2 An array size must be declared if not initialized immediately

Option 3 Array size is the sum of sizes of all elements of the array

Option 4 All of the above

Answer: Option 4


Standard Questions

 1. What are collections?

Answer: A collection is nothing but a container that groups multiple items into a single object. Collections are used to store data. We can also retrieve and manipulate data that is stored in the Collections.


2. How can we iterate over collections?

Answer: The iterators are used to provide users a uniform way of accessing collections in a sequential manner. Whatever type of collection we are using, we always need to traverse through the elements of these collections to fetch the data or make any modifications to that data

3. What are the different types of modifications that we can perform on collections?

Answer: Modification operations (such as add, remove and clear)